Official Mod Example

Extracted from ModPostProcessor found in official game release build.

This will give us an idea of how mods are meant to be written for CS2.

This is of course subject to change once the official modding platform arrives. It's only here to give a start and some idea of what to expect.

Demonstrated concepts:

  • IMod - The official modding API for declaring mods
    • OnCreateWorld - The way for mod authors to add their own custom System to the World
    • OnDispose - The way for mods to unload themselves
    • OnLoad - Maybe called when the mod is included into the runtime, but before World has been created
  • DeltaTimePrintSystem : GameSystemBase - Basic usage on how to setup your own System
    • This system just prints Delta Time on each tick
    • OnCreate - Called when the System is initially created
    • OnUpdate - Called for each tick in World
  • PrintPopulationSystem : GameSystemBase - A more advanced demonstration System
    • This System includes running a Job, doing Queries and Burst compilation
    • Gets reference to another System via World.GetOrCreateSystemManaged
    • Setups a Query for future use via GetEntityQuery
    • Creates a new NativeArray with the results from executing the Job
    • OnUpdate triggers CountPopulationJob once every 128 frames
      • The data passed to the job is:
        • The Query made into a temporary NativeArray<ArchetypeChunk>'
        • Unsure what GetBufferTypeHandle<HouseholdCitizen>(true) actually does but it seems to find the Type of a HouseholdCitizen
        • Same for the GetComponentTypeHandle
        • GetComponentLookup<HealthProblem>(true) seems to be getting a specific Component belonging to the current Entity
      • Finally the job is scheduled with Dependency = popJob.Schedule()
      • Unsure what CompleteDependency() does but probably related to dependencies between jobs?
  • CountPopulationJob : IJob - A Unity Job that gets runs in parallel to other jobs, and in a worker thread
    • Keeps track of Chunks via a NativeArray<ArchetypeChunk> which is readonly
    • Has more of the BufferTypeHandle and ComponentTypeHandle
    • Also does lookups with ComponentLookup for Citizen and HealthProblem
    • Keeps state via m_Result which is a NativeArray of int
  • TestModSystem : GameSystemBase is a System for triggering TestJob
  • TestJob : IJob
    • Seems to just increment the items by their index


#define BURST
//#define VERBOSE

using Game;
using Game.Citizens;
using Game.Modding;
using Game.Simulation;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Colossal.Logging;

namespace ModSample
    public class TestMod : IMod
        public static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(nameof(TestMod), false);

        public void OnCreateWorld(UpdateSystem updateSystem)

        public void OnDispose()

        public void OnLoad()

    public partial class DeltaTimePrintSystem : GameSystemBase
        protected override void OnCreate()

            TestMod.log.Info($"[{nameof(DeltaTimePrintSystem)}] {nameof(OnCreate)}");
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            var deltaTime = SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime;
            TestMod.log.Info($"[{nameof(DeltaTimePrintSystem)}] DeltaTime: {deltaTime}");

    public partial class PrintPopulationSystem : GameSystemBase
        private SimulationSystem m_SimulationSystem;
        private EntityQuery m_HouseholdQuery;

        private NativeArray<int> m_ResultArray;
        protected override void OnCreate()

            TestMod.log.Info($"[{nameof(PrintPopulationSystem)}] {nameof(OnCreate)}");

            m_SimulationSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystemManaged<SimulationSystem>();

            m_HouseholdQuery = GetEntityQuery(

            m_ResultArray = new NativeArray<int>(1, Allocator.Persistent);
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            if (m_SimulationSystem.frameIndex % 128 == 75)
                TestMod.log.Info($"[{nameof(PrintPopulationSystem)}] Population: {m_ResultArray[0]}");

                var popJob = new CountPopulationJob
                    m_HouseholdChunks = m_HouseholdQuery.ToArchetypeChunkArray(Allocator.TempJob),
                    m_HouseholdCitizenType = GetBufferTypeHandle<HouseholdCitizen>(true),
                    m_CommuterType = GetComponentTypeHandle<CommuterHousehold>(true),
                    m_MovingAwayType = GetComponentTypeHandle<Game.Agents.MovingAway>(true),
                    m_TouristType = GetComponentTypeHandle<TouristHousehold>(true),
                    m_HouseholdType = GetComponentTypeHandle<Household>(true),

                    m_HealthProblems = GetComponentLookup<HealthProblem>(true),
                    m_Citizens = GetComponentLookup<Citizen>(true),

                    m_Result = m_ResultArray,

                Dependency = popJob.Schedule();

        public struct CountPopulationJob : IJob
            [DeallocateOnJobCompletion] [ReadOnly] public NativeArray<ArchetypeChunk> m_HouseholdChunks;
            [ReadOnly] public BufferTypeHandle<HouseholdCitizen> m_HouseholdCitizenType;
            [ReadOnly] public ComponentTypeHandle<TouristHousehold> m_TouristType;
            [ReadOnly] public ComponentTypeHandle<CommuterHousehold> m_CommuterType;
            [ReadOnly] public ComponentTypeHandle<Game.Agents.MovingAway> m_MovingAwayType;
            [ReadOnly] public ComponentTypeHandle<Household> m_HouseholdType;

            [ReadOnly] public ComponentLookup<Citizen> m_Citizens;
            [ReadOnly] public ComponentLookup<HealthProblem> m_HealthProblems;

            public NativeArray<int> m_Result;

            public void Execute()
                TestMod.Log.Debug($"Start executing {nameof(CountPopulationJob)}");
                m_Result[0] = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < m_HouseholdChunks.Length; ++i)
                    ArchetypeChunk chunk = m_HouseholdChunks[i];
                    BufferAccessor<HouseholdCitizen> citizenBuffers = chunk.GetBufferAccessor(ref m_HouseholdCitizenType);
                    NativeArray<Household> households = chunk.GetNativeArray(ref m_HouseholdType);

                    if (chunk.Has(ref m_TouristType) || chunk.Has(ref m_CommuterType) || chunk.Has(ref m_MovingAwayType))

                    for (int j = 0; j < chunk.Count; ++j)
                        if ((households[j].m_Flags & HouseholdFlags.MovedIn) == 0)

                        DynamicBuffer<HouseholdCitizen> citizens = citizenBuffers[j];
                        for (int k = 0; k < citizens.Length; ++k)
                            Entity citizen = citizens[k].m_Citizen;
                            if (m_Citizens.HasComponent(citizen) && !CitizenUtils.IsDead(citizen, ref m_HealthProblems))
                                m_Result[0] += 1;
                TestMod.Log.Debug($"Finish executing {nameof(CountPopulationJob)}");

    public partial class TestModSystem : GameSystemBase
        private SimulationSystem m_SimulationSystem;
        private NativeArray<int> m_Array;

        protected override void OnCreate()
            m_SimulationSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystemManaged<SimulationSystem>();
            m_Array = new NativeArray<int>(5, Allocator.Persistent);
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            if (m_SimulationSystem.frameIndex % 128 == 75)
                TestMod.log.Info(string.Join(", ", m_Array));

                var testJob = new TestJob
                    m_Array = m_Array,

                Dependency = testJob.Schedule();

        public struct TestJob : IJob
            public NativeArray<int> m_Array;

            public void Execute()
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Start executing {nameof(TestJob)}");
                for (int i = 0; i < m_Array.Length; i += 1)
                    m_Array[i] = m_Array[i] + i;
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Finish executing {nameof(TestJob)}");

            public static void WorkTime(in long start, in long current, out long duration)
                duration = current - start;

Line-by-line explanation

public class TestMod : IMod { ... }

A class implementing the IMod interface, which is the entry point for a mod in Cities Skylines 2. It contains methods for lifecycle events like loading and disposing the mod.

public void OnCreateWorld(UpdateSystem updateSystem) { ... }

A method in TestMod that gets called during the creation of the game world. It registers various systems to update during the game simulation phase.

public partial class DeltaTimePrintSystem : GameSystemBase { ... }

A basic ECS (Entity Component System) system extending from GameSystemBase. It's responsible for printing the time delta between game updates.

public partial class PrintPopulationSystem : GameSystemBase { ... }

An ECS system that calculates and prints the population. It uses a custom job (CountPopulationJob) to count the population in an efficient, multi-threaded manner.

private SimulationSystem m_SimulationSystem;

A field in PrintPopulationSystem, referencing the game's simulation system to access game state information.

private EntityQuery m_HouseholdQuery;

An EntityQuery in PrintPopulationSystem used to query entities that represent households in the game.


An attribute indicating that the following method or job should be compiled using Unity's Burst compiler for high-performance, highly optimized native code.

public struct CountPopulationJob : IJob { ... }

A struct implementing the IJob interface, representing a parallel job in Unity's ECS for counting the population. It utilizes Burst compilation for performance optimization.

ComponentLookup<T> m_Citizens;

A field in CountPopulationJob that provides access to ECS components of type T (here, Citizen), enabling efficient component data retrieval within a job.

public partial class TestModSystem : GameSystemBase { ... }

Another ECS system part of the mod, demonstrating custom logic within the ECS framework. It includes a custom job for demonstration purposes.

public struct TestJob : IJob { ... }

A struct implementing the IJob interface for a simple job example, modifying an array within the ECS framework.

NativeArray<int> m_Array;

A field in TestModSystem, representing a native array used in ECS for high-performance operations. It's used here to store and manipulate data in the custom job.



		<InstallationPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities Skylines II</InstallationPath>
		<DataPath>$(LOCALAPPDATA)\..\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II</DataPath>
		<RepoPath Condition="'$(RepoPath)'==''">$(ProjectDir)..\..\..\..</RepoPath>


		<ModPostProcessorPath Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Editor'">$(RepoPath)\BeverlyHills\Assets\StreamingAssets\~Tooling~\ModPostProcessor\ModPostProcessor.exe</ModPostProcessorPath>
		<ModPostProcessorPath Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Steam'">$(InstallationPath)\Cities2_Data\StreamingAssets\~Tooling~\ModPostProcessor\ModPostProcessor.exe</ModPostProcessorPath>


		<ManagedDLLPath Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Editor'">$(RepoPath)\BeverlyHills\Library\ScriptAssemblies</ManagedDLLPath>
		<ManagedDLLPath Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Steam'">$(InstallationPath)\Cities2_Data\Managed</ManagedDLLPath>

		<UnityEnginePath>C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\$(UnityVersion)\Editor\Data\Managed\UnityEngine</UnityEnginePath>

		<AssemblySearchPaths Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Editor'">
		<AssemblySearchPaths Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Steam'">

		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.SystemAPI.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.SystemAPI.QueryBuilder.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.Analyzer.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.LambdaJobs.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.Common.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.SystemAPI.Query.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.Analyzer.CodeFixes.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.AspectGenerator.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.Common.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.EntityQueryBulkOperations.dll" />
		<Analyzer Include="$(EntityPackagePath)\Unity.Entities.SourceGen.JobEntityGenerator.dll" />
		<None Remove="Logs\**" />
		<None Remove="Library\**" />


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

	<Import Project="..\Configuration.csproj" />
	<Import Project="..\Targets.csproj" />

		<Reference Include="Game">
		<Reference Include="Colossal.Core">
		<Reference Include="Colossal.Logging">
		<Reference Include="UnityEngine.CoreModule">
		<Reference Include="Unity.Burst">
		<Reference Include="Unity.Collections">
		<Reference Include="Unity.Entities">
		<Reference Include="Unity.Mathematics">

		<Reference Update="System">
		<Reference Update="System.Core">
		<Reference Update="System.Data">
		<Reference Update="System.Drawing">
		<Reference Update="System.IO.Compression.FileSystem">
		<Reference Update="System.Numerics">
		<Reference Update="System.Runtime.Serialization">
		<Reference Update="System.Xml">
		<Reference Update="System.Xml.Linq">



	<Target Name="ChechManagedDLLPath" BeforeTargets="PreBuildEvent">
		<Message Text="$(CommonLocation)\General.targets" Importance="high"/>
		<Error Condition="!Exists('$(ManagedDLLPath)')" Text="The Managed DLL path is wrong: $(ManagedDLLPath)" />
		<OnError ExecuteTargets="CheckInstallationPath" />
	<Target Name="CheckInstallationPath" AfterTargets="ChechManagedDLLPath">
		<Error Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Steam' AND !Exists('$(InstallationPath)\Cities2.exe')" Text="The Game Installation path is wrong: $(InstallationPath)" />
		<OnError ExecuteTargets="CheckDataPath" />

	<Target Name="CheckDataPath" AfterTargets="CheckInstallationPath">
		<Error Condition="!Exists('$(DataPath)')" Text="The Game Data path is wrong: $(DataPath)" />
		<OnError ExecuteTargets="CheckUnityModProjectPath" />

	<Target Name="CheckUnityModProjectPath" AfterTargets="CheckDataPath">
		<Error Condition="!Exists('$(UnityModProjectPath)')" Text="The Unity Mod Project path is wrong: $(UnityModProjectPath)" />
		<OnError ExecuteTargets="CheckModPostProcessorPath" />

	<Target Name="CheckModPostProcessorPath" AfterTargets="CheckUnityModProjectPath">
		<Error Condition="!Exists('$(ModPostProcessorPath)')" Text="The Mod Post Processor path is wrong: $(ModPostProcessorPath)" />
		<OnError ExecuteTargets="CheckEntityPackagePath" />

	<Target Name="CheckEntityPackagePath" AfterTargets="CheckModPostProcessorPath">
		<Error Condition="!Exists('$(EntityPackagePath)')" Text="The Entity package path is wrong: $(EntityPackagePath)" />
	<Target Name="BeforeBuildAction" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
		<RemoveDir Directories="$(OutDir)" />
	<Target Name="AfterBuildAction" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
			<ModPostProcessorArgs>"$(ModPostProcessorPath)" PostProcess "$(TargetPath)" -r "@(ReferencePath)" -u "$(UnityModProjectPath)" -t Windows -t macOS -t Linux -b $(Configuration) -d -v</ModPostProcessorArgs>
		<Message Condition="Exists('$(ModPostProcessorPath)')" Text="Run post processor: $(ModPostProcessorArgs)" Importance="high" />
		<Message Condition="!Exists('$(ModPostProcessorPath)')" Text="Post processor was not found, please check the path: @(ModPostProcessorPath)" Importance="high" />
		<Exec Condition="Exists('$(ModPostProcessorPath)')" Command="$(ModPostProcessorArgs)"></Exec>
			<FilesToCopy Include="$(OutDir)\**\*.*" />
			<DeployDir Include="$(DataPath)\Mods\WorkInProgress\$(ProjectName)" />
		<Message Text="Copy output to deploy dir @(DeployDir)" Importance="high" />
		<RemoveDir Directories="@(DeployDir)" />
		<Copy SourceFiles="@(FilesToCopy)" DestinationFolder="@(DeployDir)" />