
This guide is specifically meant for people experienced with modding. If you're looking for document suitable for beginners, try the Longer Start guide instead.


  • Cities: Skylines 2 acquired via Steam or Game Pass. No other versions are supported at the moment.

Installing BepInEx

  • Download BepInEx 5.4.22
  • Extract directory
  • Copy extracted directory to your Cities: Skylines 2 installation directory
    • You should end up with a BepInEx directory and the doorstop_config.ini next to the Cities2.exe binary

Installing Mods with Thunderstore Mod Manager

  • Install the Thunderstore Mod Manager
  • Select Cities II when running the mod manager
  • Now every mod you install via the mod manager should be automatically installed into the right directory
  • Make sure you launch the game via the Modded button in the top right, as otherwise Cities: Skylines 2 won't load any mods

Installing Mods manually

  • Each mod you want to install should be in it's own directory in BepInEx/plugins.
  • If you install a mod called CoolMod, you should end up with the following structure: Cities Skylines II/BepInEx/plugins/CoolMod/CoolMod.dll